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FRAMINGHAM – The Framingham Public School district announced to staff this afternoon, April 10, is its restoring pooled testing for next week.

The district announced yesterday, that pooled testing for the coronavirus would not happen the week of April 12, due to staffing issues with the vendor.

Pooled testing did not take place at 4 of the district’s schools earlier in the week, due to those same staffing concerns.

The district announced pooled testing will take place Monday through Thursday. Friday begins school vacation week.

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“We thank everyone who has assisted with this quick fix including CIC Health and we appreciate the support and patience of Principals, school staff, and families as we continue to work through the details. We will follow up with new information if anything changes with the schedule,” wrote the district to staff.

Last night, the Framingham Teachers Association Executive Board released a statement, which this news outlet published as a letter to the editor, wanting pooled testing restored.

“The Framingham Teachers Association is disappointed in the vendor’s inability to provide consistent access to testing for our students just one week after our full reopening. We need a reliable solution that will last until the end of the school year,” wrote the FTA Executive Board. “The FTA requests that the committee address this issue and secure pooled testing or an alternative, such as individual PCR testing, for students immediately.”

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The state demanded all elementary students return to in-person 5-day-a-week education as of April 5.

Framingham is currently fourth in the state for positive cases among students.

The state has demanded the same for middle school students as of April 28.

Families can consent for Pooled Testing by completing a Digital Consent Form.

The last number provided by the public school district is that 56% of eligible students are participating in pooled testing.

Remote students do not participate in pooled testing.

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By editor

Susan Petroni is the former editor for SOURCE. She is the founder of the former news site, which as of May 1, 2023, is now a self-publishing community bulletin board. The website no longer has a journalist but a webmaster.