FRAMINGHAM – On September 14, voters in District 7 will decide between four individuals to be their next City Councilor. The two individuals, who receive the most votes on September 14, will advance to the Tuesday, November 2 final election.
District 7 Councilor Margareth Shepard has decided not to seek a third term.
District 7 is the only City Council race with a preliminary election District 7 residents, like the entire City, will also choose between 3 candidates for Mayor, with the top two advancing to November.
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Four candidates pulled nomination papers for the 2-year District 7 City Council seat, and four candidates were certified to be on the ballot on Tuesday, September 14.
Those candidates (alphabetically) are Eugene Grzywna, Joseph Hansberry, Magdalena Janus, and Leora Mallach.
SOURCE sent a Q&A to each of the four candidates on Sunday, August 8, and asked all four to return by Saturday, August 14 by 6 p.m.
Three of the candidates returned the Q&A, one did not.
Read the responses for those three candidates here:
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District 7 is comprised of Precincts 13 and 14 in the City of Framingham, and also includes Learned Pond.
District 7 is also home to the MBTA commuter rail station.
One of the largest employers in the City – MetroWest Medical Center – along with the downtown business district, is part of District 7.
The Memorial Building, Police headquarters, the main Framingham Public Library, and the no longer in use Danforth Building, which is being considered for a possible regional justice center is also in District 7.
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Two of the City’s newest apartment buildings are located in District 7 – Alta Union House on Route 126 and the Buckley on Franklin Street.
On the School Committee, District 7 is represented by Tiffanie Maskell, who is seeking a third 2-year term. She is running unopposed for the third time, too.
Thayer campus of Framingham High School on Lawrence Street is located in District 7. No other schools are in District 7. The closest schools are McCarthy Elementary and Fuller Middle in District 5 and the recently renamed Harmony Grove Elementary in District 9.
District 7 is part of U.S. Census tract 3834.01 and 3824.02
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The population in Census tract 3834.01 increased by 13.4%. The population in Census tract 3834.02 increased 13.9% The City of Framingham only increased by 5.9% over the last decade per the 2020 Census.
Census tract 3834.01 is 40% white, 22% Hispanic, 34% other, and 15% multi-race.
Census tract 3834.02 is 40% white, 30% other, 18.5% Hispanic, and 16.5% multi-race.
Editor’s Note: It is important to note that Brazilian-Americans sometimes self-identify as white and sometimes as Latino, but very rarely as Hispanic.
The median income for Census tract 3831.01 is $41,397, which is much lower than the Framingham median household income at $82,709.
The median income for Census tract 3832.02 is $42,117.
There is a District 7 Facebook group. Residents can join it by clicking here.