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FRAMINGHAM – Newly, sworn-in Mayor Charlie Sisitsky and the Framingham Board of Health tonight, January 11, will discuss the potential for a mask mandate, along with other alternatives, to try to reduce the surge of COVID cases in the City since the holidays.
The 7 p.m. meeting will be held on Zoom. The public may attend. (details below)
Yesterday, the Commonwealth announced 60,986 new COVID cases and 53 deaths from the virus.
Last week, the City of Framingham reported 1,300 new COVID cases, and more than 1,700 active cases.
The Town of Sudbury, which borders Framingham, has a mask mandate.
Last week, the Town of Ashland recommended that businesses require customers and employees to wear masks indoors.
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Mayor Sisitsky said last week he is considering a mask mandate in Framingham indoors in public spaces, but would prefer that a state-wide mandate, be in place.
“Tonight is not a night to make a decision,” said Susan Nicholl, Mayor Sisitsky’s Chief of Staff.
She said Mayor Sisitsky was seeking input and perspective on a potential “mask mandate” and “alternative measures” from the 3-member Board of Health.
Mayor Sisitsky is not presenting a proposal tonight, Nicholl stressed.
The Mayor also wants to see the latest covid case numbers on Wednesday, before considering any changes to the pause in group activities, said his administration.
That means, no high school clubs, no after-school theatre, and no athletics.
That decision has prompted dozens of students, parents, and coaches to write letters to the trio of city leaders asking for the 2-week pause to be shortened or eliminated.
The 2-week pause means Loring Arena is closed, and that group activities from Parks & Rec are halted.
The Framingham Public Library chose to move group programming online and remote as opposed to in-person.
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To join the Board of Health Zoom meeting:
Topic: Board of Health 1.11.22 Time: Jan 11, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81127610079?pwd=WElHUFV1cWNyV3N6ekYwTGp2b0Uwdz09
Meeting ID: 811 2761 0079
Passcode: 585735
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