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ASHLAND – With the rise of COVID-19 cases in our community, Town Manager Michael Herbert, Public Health Director Rajit Gupta, the Board of Health, and Ashland Select Board are “strongly urging” businesses owners in Ashland to “require” face masks.
In the last 14 days, the Town of Ashland reported 389 new COVID cases, according to Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
The rate of positivity over the last 14 days increased from 4.59% to 11.34%
The Ashland Public Schools reported 195 COVID cases this week.
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“Due to the highly transmissible omicron variant of COVID-19, and with the significant rise of COVID-19 cases in our community and Middlesex County, Town Manager, Michael Herbert, Board of Health, Ashland Select Board, and Public Health Director, Rajit Gupta issue the following guidance for our community and is strongly urging the community businesses to REQUIRE facemasks to be worn while indoors at your place of business. While not a Town mandate at this time, we must stress the importance of protecting all residents and visitors to our community, to do their part to stop the spread of COVID-19,” wrote the Town in a newsletter to business owners.
“Please place the enclosed flyer on your entrance door or window,” wrote the Town leaders. “It is our goal to have a healthy community, we know that mask-wearing, proper hand-washing, and vaccines along with boosters are our best tools to keep everyone from testing positive with COVID-19 and spreading the disease. We are a healthier community when we all work together to keep one another safe. Thanks to everyone for doing your part to stop this pandemic.”