Updated at 12:25 p.m. Last updated at 1;55 p.m.
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FRAMINGHAM – Route 9 near Route 126 is flooded and was closed to through traffic, just after noon today, July 9, said Framingham Police.
Framingham DPW spokesperson said it has re-open as of 1:55 p.m.
The ramps on Concord Street (Rt.126) connecting to Worcester Road (Route 9) were also closed earlier dur to the heavy rains of Tropical Storm Elsa.
“Traffic will be diverted on Rt. 9 West at Concord Street and Rt. 9 East at Aberdeen Road. Seek an alternate route,” said Framingham Police at 12:24 p.m.
MassDOT maintains Route 9 and is working on a fix to the flooding issue, as it has flooded for decades in heavy rains.
SOURCE published an update on the progress earlier this year.
-Framingham DPW is reporting East Street “temporarily closed to through traffic due to flooding.”
East Street is located in downtown Framingham. With the road closed the MWRTA is recommending pedestrians use Blandin Avenue entrance.
Residents are also reporting road flooding on Kendall Street in downtown Framingham.
As of 1;55 p.m. DPW is also reporting flooding on Parker Road,
“Gates Road (from Route 9) is closed to through traffic at Parker Road,” said Allyssa Jewell, with Framingham DPW.
“There is an additional flooding issue on Bantry Road at Lohnes Road,” she said just before 2 p.m.
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Tropical Storm Elsa is blowing through New England today.
There are also flooding issues on Caldor Way, which is located next to Walmart between Route 9 and Route 30.
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