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FRAMINGHAM – Framingham Source will cover the election in the City of Framingham 2021, but will not be endorsing any candidates.
Voters elected the City’s first leaders in November 2017. Framingham voters elected the City’s first Mayor, an 11-member City Council and a 9-member School Committee.
In 2021, voters again will elect a Mayor, 9 District City Councilors, and a 9-member School Committee by district. The City Council’s two at-large members George P. King Jr. and Janet Leombruno are not up for re-election this year. Voters will also elect Library and cemetery Trustees in 2021.
If needed, there will be a primary election on Tuesday, September 14 to determine candidates for the November election on Tuesday, November 2.
Nomination papers will be made available on June 1, said City Clerk Ferguson
Individuals running for Mayor need to file 500 signatures of registered voters, including 25 signatures from each of the nine precincts.
Individuals running for district Council or district School Committee must collect 50 signatures from registered voters all from the district.
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Individuals running for library or cemetery trustee must collect 50 signatures of registered voters.
Nomination papers are due by July 15.
On Thursday, August 2, there will be a lottery for ballot position, if a preliminary election is needed.
The deadline to register to vote if one wishes to participate in the Sept. election is August 25 at 8 p.m.
Election day is Tuesday, November 2, 2021.
Framingham Source encourages discussion on the candidates and on the races on our social media platforms, as well as our main site. Candidates may join the conversation, but with a few rules.

Candidates are invited to submit ONE written announcement, with their reasons for running for office and their platform to Framingham Source.
The announcement is written by the candidate or their campaign, and not by SOURCE.
It must be 500 words or less and should be emailed to editor@FraminghamSource.com.
All candidates may submit up to two photos, they choose, and email editor@FraminghamSource.com to run with the announcement and for future use on Framingham Source.
The deadline to submit an announcement is July 30.
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All announcements will run no later than July 31.
The announcement is an opportunity for candidates to speak to voters directly.
Any candidate who misses the opportunity to submit a political announcement by the July 30 deadline may purchase a “sponsored editorial post” for a fee. Email petronimedia@gmail.com for the cost.
SOURCE will be publishing its own reports on the candidates during the election, including our in-depth Q&As.
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Framingham Source will accept 1-2 photos and/or press releases from political campaigns for a column to run on Saturdays during the election season.
The first column will publish on Saturday, May 8.
There will be NO column on Sept. 11.
The last column for the 2021 election season will be October 23.
Submissions for the column are due by Friday at noon. For example Friday, July 9 for July 10 column.
Source has the right to not run all photos submitted and may edit any press releases submitted.

Letters to the editor and opinion submissions will be accepted during the campaign period from all candidates, starting May 10.
Letters must be signed and include a phone number and e-mail address for verification.
Letters must be 750 words or less.
No more than one letter to the editor or opinion submission, per candidate, per week, as of May 10.
Letters to the editor, in support of any candidate, will be allowed, from Framingham residents and/or taxpayers only (that includes business owners).
The last day to submit a letter to the editor about the November 2 election is Sunday, Oct. 24 at 11:59 p.m. All letters will run by October 25 at 11:59 p.m.
The last day to submit a letter to the editor for the September preliminary election is Sept. 5 at 11:59 p.m. All letter will run by September 7 at 11:59 p.m.
Letters to the editor, opinion submission, and endorsements can be submitted to editor@framinghamsource.com
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Candidates, their campaign members, and residents are invited to submit fundraiser and other campaign-related events during election season.
Maximum word count is 150 words.
Source may choose to run all announcements in an election calendar or run each individually.
The last day to submit a political event for the November election is October 25.
The last day to submit a political event for the September preliminary election is Sept. 3.

Framingham Source WILL accept political ads.
The acceptance and publishing of any advertising for a candidate does not reflect the position of Framingham SOURCE, which will remain neutral on any candidate or ballot question.
SOURCE, as a community news site, will accept ads on a first come, first serve basis.
All political ads must be paid for up front, before publishing.
Source is accepting ads for all political campaigns, just like newspapers, radio stations, and television stations accept political ads.
For information on advertising with Source, click here.
SOURCE will be offering an advertising special for the November election.
Details will publish the day after the primary election in September 2021.
The last day to purchase a political ad for the September 14 preliminary election is Sept. 7 at 11 p.m.
The last day to purchase a political ad for the November 5 election is October 27 at 11 p.m.