In full transparency, the following is a press release from MassSave.
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BOSTON – Continuing their commitment to increasing diversity in the energy efficiency workforce, the Sponsors of Mass Save® recently announced the establishment of a first-of-its-kind Workforce Partnership Grant.
This new initiative will empower partner organizations to create access to opportunities in the clean energy workforce for interested residents living in environmental justice communities.
Starting at $20,000, the grant will provide funds for workforce community-based organizations, non-profit education or training providers, private companies, community colleges and municipalities’ workforce development programs to develop training and upskill programs for the existing workforce and transition interested individuals into the clean energy workforce. Funding can also be utilized for additional priorities such as capacity building, recruitment and screening, and training and education.
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The grant aims to alleviate financial hardships and while open to all interested parties, prioritizes funding to public and private entities who serve Environmental Justice Communities (EJCs).
“As we work toward a net zero future, the clean energy workforce will continue to grow,” said Ruth Georges, Supervisor, Equity, Strategic Partnerships and Workforce Development at Eversource. “As Sponsors, our goal is to open more doors to the energy efficiency workforce by utilizing key partnerships and expanding our reach in environmental justice communities.”
The Mass Save Sponsors hosted a webinar available to 250 organizations on October 20 to provide information about the new grant and application process. More than 65 people attended.
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To apply for funding and for full eligibility details please visit
Upon submission, the Mass Save Sponsors will review in accordance with the submission timeline. Awardees will be selected based on their needs and the amount of funding available. The deadline for applications is November 14, 2022.
The grants will be awarded by December 21, 2022.
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Mass Save® is a collaborative of Massachusetts’ electric and natural gas utilities and energy efficiency service providers including Berkshire Gas, Cape Light Compact, Eversource, Liberty, National Grid, and Unitil. We empower residents, businesses, and communities to make energy efficient upgrades by offering a wide range of services, rebates, incentives, trainings, and information.