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FRAMINGHAM – Tuesday, August 2 is 5 weeks until election day.
On Tuesday, September 6, Framingham voters will elect a new Framingham state representative.
The Massachusetts Legislature created new state representative lines in 2021 after the 2020 Census. Framingham will increase from 3 state representatives to four, and one of the new districts has no incumbent – the 6th Middlesex District.
The newly-created 6th Middlesex District is comprised of new City of Framingham Precincts 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-10-11-12-13-14-15-16 and a portion of Precinct 9. The majority of the new district is south of Route 9.
Due to the 2020 Census, Framingham increased from 18 Precincts and 9 Districts to 9 Districts and 27 Precincts. Each District went from two Precinct each to three Precincts each.
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The September 6 election is a primary – narrowing the number of candidates in each political party for the final election on Tuesday, November 1.
However, in the 6th Middlesex District race there is no Republican candidates and three Democratic candidates, so baring a write-in candidacy, the winner of the Democratic Primary will likely be the new 6th Middlesex District state representative.
The three Democrats are former mayoral candidate Dhruba Sen, former District 7 City Councilor Margareth Shepard, and current School Committee chair Priscila Sousa.
Individuals who are not enrolled in any political party will need to select a ballot on September 6. If a registered voter wants to have a say in the 6th Middlesex state representative race they must request a Democratic ballot. No names appear on the Republican ballot.
Picking a Democratic ballot does not enroll you into that political party. It just allows you to vote among the three candidates. You will remain an unenrolled voters after September 6 – and not enrolled in any political party.
The majority of Framingham’s registered voters are unenrolled voters.
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SOURCE sent a detailed Q&A to all three candidates for Framingham State Representative. The profiles were published on Sunday, July 31.
This week, questions not published on Sunday will be published on the digital news outlet to provide voters an opportunity to understand where each of the trio of candidates stand on the issues.
Voters can request a mail in ballot for Tuesday, September 6.
Registered voters were mailed applications for a mail in ballot. The deadline to submit is Monday, August 29 at 5 p.m.
Framingham will offer early voting at the Memorial Building at 150 Concord Street for the September 6 election.
There will be no early voting this time at the Christa McAuliffe Library branch on Water Street.

Individuals can still vote on election day from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, September 6.
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