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FRAMINGHAM – Today, June 14 is Flag Day.
Flag Day commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777, by resolution of the Second Continental Congress.
It is not a federal holiday. There is school and businesses are open. But in 1949, President Harry S Truman asked for June 14 to be set aside for a national observance of the United States Flag.
On Sunday morning, June 12, One Framingham and the City of Framingham held a small parade around Cushing Memorial Park followed by a ceremony in front of the memorial for Cushing Hospital.
The parade was led by the Framingham Police and Framingham Fire Department, followed by Mayor Charlie Sisitsky, First Lady Robin Kaye, and City Council Chair Phil Ottaviani Jr.
Several City Councilors marched in the parade including Vice Chair Janet Leombruno, at-large City Councilor George P. King Jr., District 5 City Councilor Noval Alexander, District 7 City Councilor Leora Mallach, and District 8 City Councilor John Stefanini.
The Superintendent of Schools Bob Tremblay played the drums in the parade followed by the Framingham School Committee. Committee members marching included Chair Priscila Sousa, District 3 School Committee member Jennifer Moshe, District 4 Adam Freudberg and his daughter, District 6 Valerie Ottaviani, and District 8 Jessica Barnhill and her son.
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The Masons marched in the parade, along with the Framingham Boys Scouts, Framingham Girl Scouts, Framingham Youth Baseball, Framingham Youth Football & Cheer program.
Rousseau fire trucks provided music in the prade.
The Framingham Elks carried a giant flag during the parade.
The Army National Guard 1060th Transportation Company provided military vehicles for the parade.
The Framingham High School Marching band, who performed in Disney World in April, played Disney music during the parade.
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The parade also featured the national Lancers.
Afterwards, Framingham Police Lt. Robert Downing was the MC for a short flag day ceremony.
13-year Framingham Girl Scout and now elected Library Trustee Isabella Petroni and the Framingham Girls Scouts & Boy Scouts led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Framingham Elk Robert Anspach, who rode in the parade in a green Porsche convertible with Cemetery Trustee Chair Dennis Cardiff, offered a prayer to start the ceremony.
He was followed by remarks by Mayor Sisitsky.
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The guest speaker for the event was National Senior Vice Commandant of the Marine Corps Warren Griffin.
Keefe Technical High School essay contest winners Yaidyma Morales and Alisson Murcia, both grade 11 students, read from their essays, before the retirement of colors.
There was a small crowd of spectators for the parade. This was the first Flag Day parade since the pandemic.

Petroni Media Company photos for Framigham Source.
A couple dozen photos are below. For more than 125 photos from the event click here.