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FRAMINGHAM – For more than two decades the gates at Lake Waushakum have been padlocked closed in the month of May.

On Friday afternoon, May 20, those locks came off and the gates were opened, allowing neighborhood residents to use the beach on the Southside of the City of Framingham.

Mayor Charlie Sisitsky ordered the gates open on Thursday, May 19, the morning after the Framingham Parks & Recreation Commission refused to vote on opening the gates for Memorial Day weekend.

Mayor Sisitsky said that all three of the city’s beaches should be open to all residents.

All weekend long, families and residents of the Coburnville-Tripoli Neighborhood came to the beach to cool off from the 100 degree heat index.

A poster was created to thank the Mayor for opening the beach.

Individuals who spoke English, Spanish, and Portuguese signed the poster.

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On Sunday, Mayor Sisitsky and First Lady Robin Kaye stopped by the beach and discovered the sign and saw families enjoying the beach.

“Robin and I visited Waushakum Beach this afternoon to confirm that the gates were open. We were pleased to see that indeed the gates were open and there were many families enjoying the beach,” said Mayor Sisitsky. “We asked one woman in particular how she knew the beach was open and she said that she read it on Framingham Source.”

“I was incredible touched with the thank you sign and all the signatures of the people who wrote thank you Mayor. When we have these resources they should be available to everyone in the community. My goal is to keep the beaches open for at least the duration of the summer,” said Mayor Sisitsky.

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Photos courtesy

By editor

Susan Petroni is the former editor for SOURCE. She is the founder of the former news site, which as of May 1, 2023, is now a self-publishing community bulletin board. The website no longer has a journalist but a webmaster.