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1 The City of Framingham ordered an indoor public spaces mask mandate starting yesterday, January 19.
2. CITY OF FRAMINGHAM MEETINGS (all are remote unless noted):
- Framingham Human Relations Commission at 7 p.m.
- Framingham Planning Board at 7 p.m.
3. The Stapleton School Council will meet today at 5:30 p.m.
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4. Framingham Public Library and Framingham State University will hold a Lifelong learning lecture tonight at 7 on President Andrew Jackson via Zoom.
Andrew Jackson was arguably one of the most controversial figures of his day. To his supporters, he was the champion of the common person; to his critics, he was ‘’King Andrew The First’’. Join us as we discuss what made Jackson’s presidency different, why his legacy continues to shape the presidency today and why such diverse figures as Franklin Roosevelt and Donald Trump found inspiration from Jackson for their own presidencies.
Register here if you have not attended our online lectures before: http://bit.ly/FPL-Lifelong-Learning-Lectures.
This lecture is presented by Dr. David Smailes, Associate Professor, Political Science and Program Coordinator, Master of Public Administration, Framingham State University.
5. FLYERS in action:
- Framingham Wrestling team has an away meet against Wellesley at 7 p.m.