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By Jim Giammarinaro

President & CEO of the MetroWest Chamber of Commerce


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FRAMINGHAM – One of the roles of the MetroWest Chamber of Commerce is to advocate for our communities and our members.

Recently, the Chamber advocated to the Massachusetts Office of Business Development on behalf of the communities of Framingham, Natick & Ashland.

I wrote a letter to provide “significant enthusiasm” in support of Framingham, Ashland, and Natick’s application for the Massachusetts Office of Business Development’s Regional Pilot Project Grant Program for Fiscal Year 2021.

The MetroWest Chamber of Commerce (the “Chamber”) believes that the Grant, if awarded, would have a significant and lasting positive affect on area businesses, many of whom have had an extremely difficult past 12 months due to the pandemic.

The need for funding is particularly evident for those businesses that have not received funding from other sources.

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The Chamber fully supports Framingham, Ashland, and Natick’s plan to use the funding to assist local businesses with marketing, branding, web design, point of sale and social media.

The Chamber believes that significant efforts in these areas will lead to business sustainability and innovation.

In addition, it is very important to highlight the fact that government leaders in Framingham, Ashland, and Natick have a track record of working well together and are extremely capable in their ability to lead business recovery efforts.

We have been fortunate at the Chamber to regularly collaborate with the leaders of the communities applying for this grant.

The Chamber believes the goals outlined in the grant proposal are achievable and will result in positive outcomes in the MetroWest region. For that reason, the Chamber fully supports Framingham, Ashland, and Natick’s application for the Regional Pilot Project Grant Program for Fiscal Year 2021.

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Editor’s Note: SOURCE and the MetroWest Chamber have formed a partnership. The Chamber’s column will run on Tuesdays on the digital news media outlet.

By editor

Susan Petroni is the former editor for SOURCE. She is the founder of the former news site, which as of May 1, 2023, is now a self-publishing community bulletin board. The website no longer has a journalist but a webmaster.