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FRAMINGHAM – The Framingham Police Advisory Committee has a busy agenda for Thursday night.
The first agenda item is to re-organize the 7-member committee. The current chair is Susan Santone. The committee will elect a new chair, vice chair & clerk.
Their is likely to be discussion over the sudden retirement of Police Chief Steven Trask, and the appointment of Deputy Police Chief Ron Brandolini as the acting police chief.

On the agenda is a meeting with Framingham Police Officers Union President Ryan Porter to discuss the union’s letter to the Mayor about police reforms.
The Committee also will discuss police officer training.
Members of the committee include Santone, Vice chair Nicole Doak, retired police detective Larry Hendry, Peter Pleshaw, Shawn Granoff, Jonathan Maul and Carlos Wilder.
There ids also expected to be discussion around District 8 City Councilor John Stefanini’s proposal to amend the ordinance governing the Police Advisory Committee, establishing social media pages, and a possibility of creating a community survey.
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Under the pandemic rules, the meeting will be held remotely on ZOOM.
The link to join is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86806747775?pwd=SElNcmo4ZUZJKzdCNlU1UUFzSllQdz09
Meeting ID: 868 0674 7775
Password: 622894
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Meeting ID: 868 0674 7775
Password: 622894
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdMPiIPCbtAgenda