The following is a message Framingham Public Schools Superintendent Bob Tremblay sent to parents tonight, April 3. The District will begin remote learning starting Monday, April 6. SOURCE is publishing for the community.
FRAMINGHAM – I hope this message finds you well and in good health. As a district we continue to reiterate how challenging these times are and that we are focused on doing everything we can to help provide guidance and resources to you as you look to support your children’s education in new and different ways.
With that being said, next week is a big milestone for Framingham as we will be rolling out weekly calendars and grade or department level remote learning plans.
In anticipation of that, I am sharing with you a universal set of expectations.
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We know that parent engagement improves student success, but in this climate it is even more important.
We appreciate your partnership in this effort and look forward to the time when your children are back learning in their classrooms, performing on our stages, and playing on our playgrounds and fields.
If you still need a Chromebook to support your child’s remote learning, please contact your child’s principal. To follow social and physical distancing best practices, we are moving away from hand-to-hand distribution and instead we are mailing devices directly to homes. There are delays with this, as well as supply chain issues, but please know that we are doing our best to meet the needs of ALL our students. Thank you for your continued support and for your attention on the expectations below.
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The Framingham Public Schools is committed to providing your child with services and supports to the extent practicable during the current school closure. To that end, some of our educators, counselors, and therapists may be offering virtual sessions. These services and supports proposed may be held individually or in a small-group virtual setting, which means it will be accessible to school staff, students, and parents/guardians who are provided a link to the virtual session. We strive to limit the disclosure of confidential student information, but the nature of these virtual services and supports means that they will be provided in the virtual presence of other participants, including the parents/guardians of other students, and we cannot ensure student privacy in the same way we can within the school setting.

By participating in virtual sessions as part of your student’s remote learning plan, you consent to the use of the Remote Learning by audio and video conferencing technology, tools, and services and acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to all of the following requirements and restrictions:
- Students and parents/guardians must not save, record, share, or post any sessions or any copies, recordings, materials, or photographs of/from this session.
- Students and parents/guardians may not share the links to the virtual services or supports with others or otherwise invite or allow others to participate in the virtual services or supports.
- Students must treat their teachers, counselors, and therapists and each other with respect and must obey school rules at all times. The Student Code of Conduct applies to all remote learning sessions, including the prohibitions against cyberbullying and harassment. Students may be disciplined consistent with the Student Code of Conduct for violating school rules during the sessions. Parents/guardians are responsible for monitoring their child’s use of the provided services and programs. Participants agree to behave in a manner conducive to learning, to the extent possible.
- The District’s Acceptable Use Policy applies to virtual learning, including school-issued devices and networks. The district policies are available on the district website for questions regarding school policies and procedures.
- The District reserves the right to remove a student from a session for inappropriate behavior or conduct.

- During online instruction, information regarding students and/or their voice, image and writing may be shared with other students (e.g., group chats, shared assignments, video feeds) who are participating in the session. However, the District has taken steps to ensure that confidential student record information in its possession is maintained in accordance with applicable laws.
- The District assumes no liability and makes no representation regarding the quality of the audio or video conferencing service used.
- The District has in good faith attempted to ensure that audio and video conferencing platforms that are compliant with FERPA, CIPA, COPPA and all other applicable federal and state laws. The District will take reasonable measures to preserve your privacy and the privacy of the student, and each of our educators will continue to maintain the privacy of student record information. Parents/guardians waive any and all claims against the District related to the use of these third-party vendors to provide audio and/or video conferencing services.
- Parents/guardians and students should be aware that they can be observed by the educator and by other students and may elect to disable the camera feature.
Your participation, or that of your child in any video, audio, or virtual sessions arranged by the Framingham Public Schools, means you agree to these terms and will not hold the Framingham Public schools liable for the release of any student or personal information.
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Participants who are unwilling or unable to abide by these provisions should contact your building principal.
Our dedicated teams of teachers, support staff, and administrators have been working hard to prepare for this remote learning plan and we are excited to get started. Once again, we are here to support all of our families and we stand ready to help in any way that is needed. Your best point of contact during this time out of school is your child’s teacher or building principal as they will be able to connect you to any support or resources that you may need. We miss seeing your children in our schools – they are the energy that nourishes our work and we are eager to make any connection that we can during this time apart.