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2. United Way of Tri-County is in need of volunteers.
3. CITY of FRAMINGHAM meetings (virtual unless otherwise noted):
- Framingham School Committee: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Subcommittee at 4 p.m.
- Framingham Human Relations Commission at 7 p.m. – Guest speaker is the City’s Chief Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Officer Jessie Edwards.
- Framingham Police Advisory Committee at 7 p.m. – Guest speaker is the City’s Citizen Participation Officer Heather H. Gutierrez
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- Framingham High co-ed alpine ski team has a meet today at 4:30 p.m. at Blue Hills.
- Framingham High girls ice hockey team defeated Braintree High for the first time in a decade last night at Loring Arena.
5.Main Framingham Library will hold a video game hangout this afternoon from 3 to 5 p.m. for middle and high school students.