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FRAMINGHAM – In 2019, residents in the Coburnville-Tripoli Neighborhood formed an Association. The kick-off event was a huge block party & community fair. Plans began for the second annual event in the spring of 2020, but the pandemic cancelled the event in 2020 and in 2021.
Today, June 25, the Association held its first major in-person event since the pandemic – a community fair and block party.
The purpose of the event was to introduce neighborhood residents to the Association, community services, and local businesses in the neighborhood.
The event was completely free to all those who attended.
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The Framingham Public Library’s bookmobile — kicking off its summer reading program today – signed up kids, teens, and adults for the program. All who registered received a free t-shirt. Several kids and adults even got new library cards at the event at Roosevelt Park, located at Fay Road and Seminole Avenue.
There was a touch-a-truck area for kids, with two police motorcycles, a cruiser, a Brewster Ambulance, and at different times during the day a Framingham Fire engine, the ladder truck, and the heavy rescue truck. Framingham Police Chief Lester Baker stopped by and talked to residents.
The Framingham Medical Reserve Corps provided a first aid tent.
Framingham Parks & Recreation had a booth, the League of Women Voters had a booth, OUT MetroWest had a booth, as did Team New England MetroWest with Nate Martino.
FramBark had an interactive booth for dog in anticipation of the City’s first dog park opening in July 2022. The grand opening party is July 16.
The Framingham City Clerk’s office had a booth to discuss the new voting Precincts and new City Districts. The City will keep its 9 Districts, but expand to 27 Precincts from 18 this year. Many residents are no in new Precincts and some have new voting locations. City Clerk’s offie employees Carol Phalen and Michael Bower were on hand to expand the changes to residents.
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Kat Suwa lead a hula hoop clinic for attendees. School Committee Chair Priscila Sousa and her mom Luciana participated in a session.
Keefe Technical High School was at the event promoting its Keefe at Night program. Superintendent Jon Evans was at the booth for part of the afternoon.
Mayor Charlie Sisitsky and first wife Robin Kaye attended the event as did City Councilor George King and his wife Allison. District 3 City Councilor Adam Steiner also stopped by as did new Planning Board member Mitch Matorin, and former District 8 City Councilor Judy Grove.
The neighborhood association is made up of two rival elementary school neighborhoods – the former Roosevelt Elementary School Neighborhood and the former Memorial Elementary School neighborhood. The neighborhood is located south of Route 135, and is one of the most diverse in the City.
Yesterday,’s event was completely free for all in the neighborhood. Local businesses like MutualOne Bank, Auto Brite Car Care, Route 135 Grill, and Realtor Phil Ottaviani donated to the Association to help fray the costs.
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Local businesses like Framingham Baking Company, Route 135 Grill, TJ’s, Waverly Market, and La Cantina supplied fruit salad, sandwiches, pizza, cookies, and more for everyone.
AV’s market supplied water, Route 135 Grill supplied ice, and Eastleigh Farm supplied strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla ice cream for all.
Several individuals not from the neighborhood stopped by to see the new FCCCD heart that was installed at Roosevelt Park earlier this week.

The purpose of the Coburnville-Tripoli Neighborhoods Association is to strengthen the relationship amongst and between its residents and businesses and advocate on behalf of its residents and businesses with our municipal leaders and officials.
It is not a political organization but a neighborhood association advocating for a better way of life and better services for the residents and the neighborhood.
The neighborhood association held a beach party in 2019 with the Waushakum Pond Association.
Even during the pandemic, the Association held virtual Zoom meetings. The Association has been meeting in person in 2022, with Mayor Charlie Sisitsky attending a meeting at Barbieri Elementary earlier this year.
One of the biggest successes of the neighborhood association is the new four-way stop sign at the intersection of Bethany Road and Winthrop Street. The intersection was one of the worst in the City for crashes averaging more than a dozen a year. It is now down to 2 or 3 crashes per year.
Another big success for the neighborhood association was getting the gates unlocked at Waushakum Beach. For decades, the beach had a 6-foot plus high chain linked fence around it and the gates were always locked while the community’s two other beaches were open to neighborhood residents. Last month, Mayor Sisitsky ordered the gate opened.
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Visit the Neighborhood Association Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Coburnville.Tripoli
The Association also has a Facebook group for discussion.
The Association waived dues in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic, but is now collecting dues from members in 2022. Dues are $5 per person or maximum $20 per family.
Membership is open to anyone who lives or owns a business in the neighborhood or within a quarter of a mile of the neighborhoods for which the Association was incorporated.
The Association meets one Monday a month at 7 p.m. There are openings on the Board of Directors. Anyone can attend the meetings in the neighborhood but only dues paying members can vote.
The current President is Andrea Dunne Adrian, who called yesterday’s first post-pandemic event a great success.

Petroni Media Company photos for SOURCE

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In full transparency, the editor of SOURCE is a founder of the neighborhood association and serves on its Board.