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FRAMINGHAM – Mayor Charlie Charlie Sisitsky has nominated Thomas Grove to the Framingham Council on Aging.
“Grove is a long-time 40 years resident in District 8 resident who taught at Framingham State for their English Department,” wrote the Mayor in his nomination.
Grove served on DPW Town Committee for several years, as a Town Meeting Member.
Grove, 77, is an amputee, who said he is”aware of obstacles for those who are disabled.”
The mission of the 11-member Council on Aging is to “understand, support, strengthen and improve the lives of the diverse residents of Framingham who are 55 or older through advocacy, communication, and collaboration.”
Grove’s nomination will need to be approved by the City’s legislative branch of government – the 11-member City Council, within the next 30 days. If no action is taken, Grove automatically joins the Council on Aging.
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After teaching at the College of St. Scholastica and Virginia Tech, Grove joined the English Department at Framingham State College in 1980, where he has offered courses in folklore and mythology, linguistics, and writing.
After presenting several studies of Korean and Navaho mythology to The Society of Korean Oral Literature, he explored the interplay of phonology with semantics in the Korean myth, The Abandoned Princess. That work is leading to a monograph on the ultimate power of words to revive the dead in not only early Asian and North American cultures, but also Finnish, Greek, Egyptian.
Grove has a B.A., Harvard College; M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley.

The chair of the Council on Aging is Clyde Dottin. His term ends in June 2023.
The vice chair of the Council on Aging is Audrey Hall, whose term ends in June 2022.
Other members of the Council on Aging are Brenda Diaz, Brian Sullivan, Betty Muto, Jennifer Rich, Glenda Thomas, Ruthann Tomassini , Michael McGibbon and Linda Schwartz.
Grove take the seat of former Vice Chair Mark Goldman, who died last year.
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