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Today is a palindrome day. A palindrome is a number, word or sentence that can be read the same way forwards and backwards. Tuesday, February 22, 2022 look like this numerically – 22 02 2022.
1 Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker has ordered state and U.S. flags to half-staff from sunrise ’til sunset today in honor of the late U.S. Army Spc. Huguens Pierre, 21, who will be buried at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Massachusetts National Cemetery in Bourne.
The Framingham native, and star wrestler died in a car crash earlier this month. His funeral Mass is today at St. Stephen’s Church in downtown Framingham.
Expect delays downtown.
2. The Framingham Board of Health will hold an emergency meeting tonight to discuss and possibly vote to rescind the mask mandate in the City of Framingham. The mask mandate began on January 19, 2022.
3 CITY OF FRAMINGHAM MEETINGS (all remote unless otherwise noted):
- Framingham City Council: Finance Subcommittee – Joint Meeting with School Committee: Finance & Operations Subcommittee at 7 p.m. in the Blumer room at City Hall and remotely.
- Framingham Traffic Commission at 7 p.m.
- Framingham Strategic Initiative & Financial Oversight Committee at 7 p.m. Hybrid meeting in the Ablondi room in the Memorial Building and remotely.

4. FLYERS in action:
- Framingham High girls ice hockey team hosts its Inclusion Cup at Loring Arena today.
- Framingham High boys ice hockey advances to the finals of the Cahoon Cup with a 6-0 shut out over the Mustangs.
5. The Framingham Public Library will host a lecture on famed sculptor Meta Warrick Fuller in person tonight at the Christa McAuliffe Branch at 7. Join guest lecturer Anita Danker, as she discusses the life and works of the Fuller (1877-1968), who resided in Framingham.
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