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FRAMINGHAM – On Thursday, May 20, SOURCE reported the entire Veterans Services office in the City of Framingham had tendered its resignation.
Both the Director of Veterans Affairs and the Assistant Director of Veterans Affairs gave their notice, with Monday, May 31 – Memorial Day – one of their final days.
“With Both officers resigning, we are going to have to do some working very quickly,” said City Council Finance Subcommittee Chair Adam Steiner to City of Framingham HR Director Dolores Hamilton.
The Veterans Department reports to Hamilton under the City of Framingham structure.
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“”We have already posted the position today,” Hamilton told the City Council subcommittee on Thursday, May 20, but that was not true.
The City posted the position on Friday, May 21, after SOURCE questioned where the posting was.
“I have done some outreach to surrounding communities to see if they have anyone they can recommend so we can get coverage fairly quickly,” Hamilton told the City Council subcommittee.
“A couple of surrounding communities are willing to help out in the interim,” she said to the City Council subcommittee.
Hamilton said she will put an HR employee in the office, “so no veteran will come to a locked door.”
“The surrounding communities have offered to assist with veterans paperwork for those who need benefits,” said Hamilton.
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SOURCE reached out to Hamilton for additional clarification and the HR Director told the news outlet “I have a couple of veterans who have offered to help while we are recruiting. Each would do several hours each week and be available by phone or by appointment for veterans who assistance or have questions. My staff will accept paperwork and notify one of the Veterans Service Officer’s assisting us while we are in transition. We have received inquiries about the position so I am hopeful we can fill the Director position quickly.”
District 4 City Councilor Michael Cannon, who regularly attends the Framingham Veterans Council meetings, encouraged Hamilton to attend the next meeting.
The Governor has announced that all COVID restrictions would be lifted on May 29, Memorial Day is Monday, May 31.
The director “performs supervisory, administrative and professional work in planning, organizing and directing all Veteran services and activities for the City of Framingham.”
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The City of Framingham in his job posting noted the full-time director post must be a veteran.
The salary range is $65,537 to $68,185.
Applicants should have a “Bachelor’s degree in Public or Business Administration or a related field. Must be a Veteran, CMR 115, Must have four years of Federal Service. Five to seven (5-7) years of related work experience; or any equivalent combination of education, training and experience which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities to perform the essential functions of the job,” stated the posting.
The job must be posted for 30 days. It was officially posted on May 21.
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