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FRAMINGHAM – Framingham State Representatives Jack Patrick Lewis and Maria Robinson will be speak to the 13-member Framingham Youth Council on Saturday night.
The meeting will be held on Zoom at 6 p.m. The public is invited to attend.
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The Youth Council re-elected Isabella Petroni as chair and Chloe Mills as Vice Chair earlier this month.

This is the second year of the Youth Council, which had Framingham Public Schools Superintendent Bob Tremblay, Keefe Technical Superintendent Jonathan Evans. Mayor Yvonne Spicer, City Council Cheryl Tully Stoll, and Framingham Public Schools Health Director Judith Styer as guests in its first term.
The Youth Council was created by the City Council, after a petition by Petroni in January 2019. The Mayor signed the ordinance in March 2019. The first Youth Council was appointed in June 2019, with the first meeting in July 2019.
The 11-member City Council appointed nine new Councilors to the 13-member Council in summer 2020.
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The Youth Council created a fifth subcommittee this summer focused on the environment.
Chair Petroni made subcommittee appointments and designated chairs for the five subcommittees for term 2.
The Youth Council’s responsibilities include:
- Evaluating and reviewing issues facing youth in the City
- Representing youth in the City of Framingham, and advising elected officials and other policymakers regarding matters of interest or concern to young people
- Providing information to and advocating before public entities including the mayor, municipal government, state government, federal government, police, school districts, and high education institutions, in support of young people in the City of Framingham
- Providing a structure for all young people in Framingham to learn the value of civic participation and thereby encouraging lifelong participatory residents
- Offering policy recommendations on issues affecting and of interest to young people
- Engaging with young people in Framingham to informing them of opportunities and listening to their suggestions regarding how the community can better serve its residents
District 5 Framingham City Councilor Robert Case serves as the advisor to the Youth Council, which reports to the City Council.
District 5 School Committee member Priscila Sousa is the liaison to the Youth Council from the 9-member Framingham School Committee.
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Editor’s Note: In full transparency, Petroni is my daughter.