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The four sports seasons, starts with fall in mid-September, but no football until 2021.
But what does this mean for Framingham High’s sports season?
First, the athletic directors in District 7 in the state, which includes the Bay State Conference will meet on Friday, with athletic directors from the Tri-Valley League, and the Hockomock League.
If the Bay State Conference, of which Framingham High is a member, votes yes to a fall sports season, then the next vote comes from the public school district.
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Framingham Public Schools and the Framingham Teachers Association (FTA), will need to sign off on a fall sports season. Coaches are members of the FTA union.
If a school district is remote during the sports season, a School Committee vote is needed for sports, according to DESE.
Right now, Framingham will start the school year remotely on September 16. The fall sports season can begin on September 14. Framingham is not looking at returning students to the physical classrooms until mid-October or possibly November. The FTA is fighting to have teachers work remotely, too.
If a community is designated as a red community, or coronavirus hot spot, sports will not be allowed.
Framingham as of today is a yellow community.
If Framingham goes red between now and October all fall sports will have to go to the floating season, which is now between winter and spring sports season. No practices will be allowed if a community is a red community.
There would be no football in 2020, and that means no annual Thanksgiving football game between Framingham & Natick High in 2020.