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FRAMINGHAM – Framingham homeowners and businesses: ALERT: be aware that a group in this city has received the approval of the City Council to put a referendum question on the November 2020 ballot asking the voters to decide if the city of Framingham will adopt the Community Preservation Act (CPA).
If approved, an additional one (1%) percent tax will be added to your basic Real Estate Tax, known as a SURTAX, a tax on a tax.
Yes, that’s right, our City Council, the same people that ran as candidates claiming they would control our tax rates and costs, unanimously approved a chance for more taxes on us.

I’m sure in the months ahead you will hear from the pro-CPA committee that a CPA tax is wonderful and that the State will “kick in ” additional funds to support the monies from the TAX.
Right now, they say, maybe 20% matching from the State. Really, with State’s revenue is down 12-15% from last year, do you think they will give out CPA monies??
You’ll never know if the State monies will be there?
Yet, if the CPA SURTAX is approved by Framingham voters, you’ll pay every year, year in, year out.
So, remember…..it’s a TAX, another Tax on the long list of TAXES you pay. NOW.
Peter S. Pleshaw