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FRAMINGHAM – The Framingham Public Library kicked off its summer reading program for kids today, July 1.
Click here to sign up and download your Bingo sheet to get started.
Some of your Bingo activities have a virtual challenge.
Here are some links to help you finish those squares.
- Listen to a podcast. Click here and select the Podcasts tab.
- Tour a Museum online.
- Do a Virtual Escape Room.
- Some of our library Programs will also be on Zoom, which you can email mcauliffechildrensroom@gmail.com for program registration or for any questions you may have.
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Send the library your completed Bingo card before Saturday, August 29 to be entered into our raffle prizes.
- Upload your card digitally here.
- Email your completed Bingo card to framinghamsummerreading@gmail.com.
- Or email us at framinghamsummerreading@gmail.com with your child’s name and age to let us know they’ve completed their Bingos (no card upload needed)
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