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1 It is TUESDAY – and the last day of March. Today is Day 20 for many who have school children with no school.
The Governor has said the earliest schools will re-open is May 4.
Yesterday, Framingham Public Schools Superintendent announced remote learning would begin Monday, April 6.
- There are food services available for students, families, and any others in need. Starting, yesterday, families can pick up a breakfast and a lunch at four schools Monday through Friday between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. for any Framingham child age 18 or younger. Students MUST be in the vehicle.
- For non-families in the City, the United Way & Daniel’s Table is providing service. Click here for more details.
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3. CITY of FRAMINGHAM meetings:
- Framingham Public Library Search Director Committee will meet today at 4 p.m. remotely.
- Framingham School Committee’s Finance & Operations Subcommittee will meet remotely at 6 p.m.
- Framingham City Council’s City Council Economic Development Subcommittee will meet remotely at 6 p.m.
A scheduled hearing is planning tonight on a citizen petition from FramBark for a dog park.
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/337828711?pwd=ZHVtYXVuM2hWZHlhdHZpTi83c1RXQT09 Meeting ID: 337 828 711 Password: 519502 One tap mobile +16465588656,,337828711# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
- Framingham City Council will meet remotely at 7 p.m.
- Framingham Board of Health will meet remotely at 7 p.m.
- Framingham Disability Commission will meet remotely at 7 p.m.

4. According to Mayor’s public schedule, Mayor Yvonne Spicer has no public events scheduled. Mayor Spicer plans to speak at the City Council’s meeting tonight.
5. Governor announced yesterday the surge in COVID-19 cases for Massachusetts may not come until April 7-17.