FRAMINGHAM – Library Director Mark Contois will retire in 2020.
SOURCE announced the news of Contois’ retirement on January 28.

Under the new city charter, the elected Framingham Board of Library Trustees is responsible for recommending “to the mayor for appointment a candidate for library director.”
The City Council does not vote on this position, under the Charter.
A search committee has been formed to replace Contois.
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Library Trustees Chair Elizabeth Roy said today, February 13, she appointed the following individuals to the Library Director Search Committee:
Arthur Finstein
Dana Perkins
Elizabeth Roy
Jan Harrington
Leslie White Harvey
Maria Barry
Mario Alvarez
Nancy Coville-Wallace
Robert Dodd
Ruth Winett
Trish Miles
“We are working closely with (City of Framingham Human Resources) Dolores Hamilton and Judy Caron from HR,” said Roy.
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A timeline for the search will be discussed the search committee’s first meeting, said Roy.
The first meeting of the search committee is scheduled for February 18.
The job has not been posted yet on the City’s website, as of today, February 13.