The Citizens Advisory Board (CAB) to the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) Middlesex West area office is holding a Legislative Breakfast to dialog with state legislators on how to improve and enhance community supports for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
The public is cordially invited. Family members will describe what it’s like to walk a mile in their shoes as they support and care for their loved ones served by DDS and living in the MetroWest area. They say it takes a village to raise a child; because of their challenges, our adult children need that village their entire lives. WE ARE THE VILLAGE!
This event always has a great turnout of legislators and family members. Senate President Karen Spilka will provide opening remarks. Many other legislators have been invited, but not yet confirmed. The Middlesex West CAB is deeply grateful to Advocates, Inc. for hosting this event in their conference room and providing breakfast.
Registration is strongly encouraged because space is limited.
TO REGISTER: Click here
QUESTIONS? For more information about the Friday, April 11, 2025,
DDS Citizens Advisory Board Legislative Breakfast contact:
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