Natick Youth Vollyball
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Grades 3-9

Interested in trying a new sport like volleyball? Already play and want to improve your skills

Join us for co-ed clinics for grades 3-9 run by Natick HS and SMASH volleyball coaches.  Join on Monday, Wednesday or BOTH….your choice . These practices are focused on skill development with some fast-paced game play drills aimed at the beginner to intermediate player.  Location is Natick High School but anyone from the surrounding towns are welcome.

Our coaches come prepared, with enthusiasm and positive energy each practice. We teach the skills of volleyball just as they are taught by our US National Volleyball program. In addition to fundamental skills, players will learn how the game is played and have plenty of opportunities to compete in small, fast-paced games. We’re focused on giving your younger athlete a proper start to their volleyball career!

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