MassBay Community College Center for Health Sciences, Early Childhood, and Human Services, located at 490 Franklin Street, Framingham, MA, opened the doors to students in the spring 2024, Framingham, MA, December 2023
MassBay Community College Center for Health Sciences, Early Childhood, and Human Services, located at 490 Franklin Street, Framingham, MA, opened the doors to students in the spring 2024, Framingham, MA, December 2023
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MassBay Community College’s Center for Health Sciences, Early Childhood, and Human Services will host the National Library of Medicine traveling exhibit, “Rashes to Research: Scientists and Parents Confront the 1964 Rubella Epidemic,” from Monday, March 25 – Friday, April 5, 2024.


This exhibition highlights the work of researchers, healthcare professionals, parents, and educators in response to the rubella epidemic, as well as the implications of the epidemic on American healthcare and society. During the rubella epidemic that occurred in 1964, 20,000 children were born with serious heart, hearing, and vision problems related to rubella exposure during pregnancy. This exhibit details the devastating and life-changing health consequences in the years before an effective vaccine nearly eliminated the disease from the United States. While the nation’s scientists rushed to create a vaccine and develop better screening, families faced tough decisions about current and future pregnancies.


WHAT:         Rashes to Research Exhibit

WHERE:       MassBay’s Center for Health Sciences, Early Childhood, and Human Services

                     (Room 302A – 490 Franklin Street, Framingham)

WHEN:          Monday, March 25 – Friday, April 5, 2024

TIME:           9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


This exhibit is free and open to the public. Members of the media interested in attending this event are requested to contact Liz Cooper at for credentialing and parking instructions.


The National Library of Medicine produced this exhibition and companion website. For digital access to the Rashes to Research: Scientists and Parents Confront the 1964 Rubella Epidemic.