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Team Amy’s Angels to host a fundraiser in support of the Jimmy Fund Walk and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Join us at Chipotle in Shoppers World, Framingham, on Wednesday, September 13th from 5-9 pm.

Present this flyer in the restaurant to make your purchase count, or order online using code MYAFYZQ. All in-person and online orders need to be placed between 5-9 pm.

Please consider supporting our team on September 13th at Chipotle and in October when we walk 13 miles in the Jimmy Fund Walk. Your support goes directly to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute’s unique 50-50 balance between cutting-edge research and compassionate patient care. Funds raised through the Jimmy Fund Walk enable Dana-Farber leaders to enhance programs and initiatives that serve pediatric and adult patients and their families. Together, we can defy cancer!

About Amy’s Angels

Amy’s Angels will again participate in the 13-mile Jimmy Fund Walk. The team has raised over $30,400, to date, to fight cancer.

In 2022, Amy’s Angels participated in our first Jimmy Fund Walk. The Walk was inspiring, fun, and emotional in all the best ways possible. It was moving to see the direct connection between the money raised from the Walk and advancements in cancer treatment. Supporting the Jimmy Fund not only allows us to help our loved ones who have battled or are battling cancer, but also brings us closer to our sister and friend, Amy.

The story of Amy’s Angels is unique in that we walk in memory of Amy, not because she passed away from cancer, but because the Jimmy Fund was a cause that was near and dear to her heart. Amy was full of life and the epitome of clean living and good health. When she passed away unexpectedly, we wanted to honor her memory. We knew right away that participating in the Jimmy Fund Walk would be a great way to carry on the tradition that she and her father shared for so many years.

Can’t make it to Chipotle on September 13? You can still support Amy’s Angels by donating to our Jimmy Fund Team. To learn more, please visit:

Chipotle Fundraiser Flyer