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FRAMINGHAM – Fuller Middle School students were off and running a one-mile race around the school on November 23.
The race had not been run in a few years due to COVID and our new school being built.
We are lucky enough to have some amazing turf fields for our students to use and to help be part of our race route, said Principal Kerry Wood.
Students ran the one-mile race according to their grade level and had so much fun.
There were so many moments of students encouraging one another, teachers helping students along the race route to keep going, and so many awesome sprints to the finish line. Students that did not participate in running the race did a great job of cheering on their fellow classmates and teachers. The race was organized by Lisa Columbo and Gene Zanella, our physical education teachers and the race route was staffed with many of our Fuller teachers and support staff personnel, said the Principal.
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The energy and excitement throughout the morning was awesome and only led to even better things inside the gym later on, said Principal Wood.
A pep rally was held in the Fuller Middle School gymnasium after all three grades completed their race.
All students and staff from the school came together as a community to celebrate the winners of the race; to watch teachers be silly and compete against each other; and also to see some of our students compete against each other, their teachers, and even our school principal, Mrs. Wood!
A game of rock paper scissors was played between Principal Wood and one of our students, Lucas Miereles and Lucas came out victorious.
The cheering for both participants was so fun and of course our students reacted even louder when their fellow classmate won.
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There was a great tug-o-war match as well.
“Our students did a great job of communicating with each other and working hard to be the winning team. It was a great day for our school community, and we cannot wait for next year,” said Principal Wood.
“We would like to thank our sponsor, Herb Connolly Motor Group for supporting our amazing community event and for providing each of our runners with a t-shirt. In addition, we would like to thank the Fuller Middle School PTO. The PTO assisted in informing our school community about our event and also provided healthy snacks and water for us to give our runners when they crossed the finish line,” said Principal Wood.
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In full transparency, the press release & photos were submitted to SOURCE media