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FRAMINGHAM – City of Framingham Department of Public Works Director Bob Lewis said Edgell Road is schedule to be paved this month.
Paving is scheduled for November 9 & 10, weather permitting.
In January 2020, the City of Framingham received a $3.4 million MassWorks infrastructure grant from the Baker-Polito Administration to support the Nobscot Village intersection improvements project.
The project improves the intersection of Edgell Road, Edmands Road, and Water Street.
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The “project consisted of a shared through/right-turn lane and a left-turn storage pocket on each approach. The new signal includes an exclusive pedestrian phase. Along with the intersection improvements, repairs are being made to the existing culvert, north of the intersection,” according to the City.
Other improvements included:
- Widened intersection
- Designated left turn only lane on Edmands Road
- Designated right turn/through lane on Edmands Road
- Improved operations for vehicles by adjusting traffic control device timings to be compliant with MassDOT guidance.
The new intersection includes brick accent strips, street lighting, and ornamental traffic signals.
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And the sidewalks were brought into ADA compliance, as part of the project.
Yesterday, November 1 about a half dozen vehicles suffered flat tires on Edgell Road, just after the intersection, in the construction zone.
DPW Director Bob Lewis told SOURCE he called the night watchman, who received calls about raised manhole structures within the construction zone. The on-call supervisor went out and put back cones and barrels over the manholes, that had been knocked off.