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FRAMINGHAM – This summer, Hoops & Homework Director Kevin Lopez in partnership with Enoc “The Barber” Cruzado planned, developed, and implanted a wellness program, designed to support youths.
Over the course of 8 weeks, starting on June 6, students had lessons on the importance of taking care of their physical, emotional and mental self, said Lopez.
Through activities students journeyed to increased health and well-being, said Lopez.
There were discussions about shampooing & conditioning hair, oral hygiene, underarm care, moisturizing and skin care, and hairstyling.
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At the end of the program in late July, the students received free hair cuts and beauty hair make-overs.
Stylists were Keila Melina Guzman and Evelin Guzman from Crisaly Beauty Studio on Howard Street in Framingham and barber Cruzado from Cliptomania on Concord Street in Framingham.
There were lost of smiles at Hoops & Homework on Interfaith Terrace on July 26.
The program was funding via a United Way of Tri-County ASOST grant, said Lopez.
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Petroni Media Company photos for SOURCE