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In full transparency, the following is a press release the campaign submitted to SOURCE media.


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BOSTON – State Senator Sonia Chang-Díaz announced today, June 23, that she is directing her focus and her movement’s energy to elect down-ballot candidates who share her values and approach to put “courage over politics.” While she will remain on the ballot, she is no longer actively campaigning for governor. 

“The reality is, this race has always been about more than just me. It’s been about all of us coming together and building a movement for courage and urgency in this state,” said Chang-Díaz. “A good leader calls the question and focuses resources not just on themselves — but on the best way to build our power and win real change for the long-term.

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“I am going to be spending my time campaigning and marshaling my supporters and the movement we’ve built for these Courage Democrats down ballot, candidates who walk the walk when it comes to our values,” she added. “I have no doubt that they will fight to put courage over politics in our state, and I am going to be using my energy to help put them into office.” 

Chang-Díaz announced a slate of Courage Democrats. The slate includes: 

  • Vivian Birchall, Candidate for State Representative, 14th Middlesex District
  • Raul Fernandez, Candidate for State Representative, 15th Norfolk District
  • Sam Montaño, Candidate for State Representative, 15th Suffolk District
  • Ricardo Arroyo, Candidate for Suffolk County District Attorney
  • Rahsaan Hall, Candidate for Plymouth County District Attorney

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“Sonia Chang-Díaz has shown enormous courage throughout this primary and her decision today is perhaps her bravest yet,” said Fernandez, one of the endorsed slate. “By being honest about what is most effective, she is keeping the movement front and center. Sonia has had a huge impact through her work in the legislature, has raised standards and driven commitments on big issues by entering the race. Her support is incredibly meaningful for progressive candidates like me. I am proud to have her endorsement.”

Senator Chang-Díaz will be announcing actions in support of Courage Democrats in the weeks to come, along with ways for supporters to get involved in the movement. 

“In addition to helping courageous candidates win down ballot, our campaign will be working to drive up voter registration and turnout in communities that have long been overlooked,” said Chang-Díaz. “This is an important part of how we keep building power for years to come.”

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She is the daughter of a social worker and America’s first Latino astronaut, Franklin Chang-Díaz. She was elected Massachusetts’ first Latina and first Asian-American State Senator in 2008 and quickly became a driving force behind many of the state’s biggest progressive reforms — including landmark $1.5 billion progressive education funding reforms, criminal justice reform, LGBT equal rights, and police reform and accountability. She made history as the first woman of color to make the ballot for Governor in Massachusetts this year.

By editor

Susan Petroni is the former editor for SOURCE. She is the founder of the former news site, which as of May 1, 2023, is now a self-publishing community bulletin board. The website no longer has a journalist but a webmaster.