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NATICK – Superintendent Anna P. Nolin announced Art Fergusson as the Natick Public School District’s district’s director of social-emotional learning and equity.
Fergusson joins Natick from Newton Public Schools and brings more than 19 years of clinical psychology and educational experience to the newly-created position.
He holds licenses in clinical and school psychology from the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Psychologists and Massachusetts Department of Secondary and Elementary Education, respectively.
“We’re thrilled to have Dr. Fergusson join our Natick Public Schools family and elevate our commitment to addressing our students’ social-emotional and equity needs,” Nolin said, in a press release.
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“Almost five years ago, the district pledged to address SEL and equity in its strategic plan, and the COVID-19 pandemic has further reinforced prioritizing these needs in the future. We look forward to Dr. Fergusson’s leadership and expertise as we work to create a more inclusive environment of belonging and address systemic barriers to equitable access within our schools,” said Supt. Nolin.
Given his early experience as an international student and English language learner, fostering hope and a sense of belonging plays a central role in Fergusson’s work with young people.
As coordinator of multi-tiered systems of support, he coordinates district-wide supports and interventions across middle and high schools in Newton by integrating research, data, and evidence-based practices on issues related to school-wide discipline, school-wide positive behavior interventions and supports (SWPBIS), bullying, restorative practices, and social-emotional learning.
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Fergusson leads the professional learning community and coordinates training for psychologists, counselors, and social workers. He previously led district-wide crisis planning, initiatives, and response and started with the district as a school psychologist in September 2011.
Fergusson was a psychology intern in Needham, Newton, and Boston English High School in Jamaica Plain. He started his career as a coordinator at the New England Center for Children in Southborough and as an elementary school clinician in Belmont. Fergusson also brings experience outside of education through his clinical practice. He delivers evidence-based interventions to children and adolescents with a wide range of emotional, behavioral, developmental, and adjustment difficulties.

He was a postdoctoral fellow in pediatric neuropsychology at the Integrated Center for Child Development, as a pre-doctoral psychology intern at the Center for Multicultural Training in Psychology at the Boston University School of Medicine, and roles at the Edith Nourse Memorial Veterans Administration Medical Center, and New England Center for Children.
Fergusson served as a faculty instructor for the Boston University Medical Center and previously taught at Harvard University, Suffolk University, Northeastern University, and Framingham State University.
Fergusson earned a Bachelor of Arts focusing on mind, brain, and behavioral sciences from Harvard University and holds a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology from Framingham State University. He earned additional master’s degrees in psychology from Suffolk University and educational organizational management from Endicott College. Fergusson holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology from Suffolk University.
He is a member of the American Psychological Association and earned the NewtonPAC Special Educator Award in 2013, 2015, and 2017.
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