In full transparency, the following is a media release from Sen. Ed Markey, who was elected by voters in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to serve the state in Washington DC in the US Senate. He is a Democrat. (stock photo)
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WASHINGTON DC – Senator Ed Markey (D-Mass.), alongside Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), is the original co-sponsor of the Sunshine Protection Act, reintroduced in Congress around this time last year. This legislation would make Daylight Saving Time (DST) permanent and hence negate the need for Americans to have to change their clocks twice a year.
Studies show that by extending DST year-round would have positive impacts on public health, the economy, and limiting energy consumption.

In 2017, a special commission in Massachusetts voted 9-1 in support of year-round Daylight Saving Time in the commonwealth.
“Daylight Saving Time is an American tradition we’re ready to retire. It’s time to shed a light on the impact that just one additional hour of sunshine can give,” said Senator Markey. “My bipartisan legislation would not only extend American’s time in the sun, but would also hold positive impacts on our nation’s economy, energy savings, and mental and physical health. I am proud to be a co-sponsor of the Sunshine Protection Act— it’s time we tell Congress to lighten up and pass this bill.
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