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NATICK – The The Natick Center Cultural District has announced it will hold its second annual WE Natick Event (WE stands for (W)omen (E)ntrepreneurs) on March 8.
The virtual event will be held at 10 a.m. and pre-registration is required.
WE Natick Event! WE stands for (W)omen (E)ntrepreneurs Love Natick
On International Women’s Day, meet virtually to celebrate women business owners, with the Natick Center Cultural Center.
If you are a women-owned business or artist please join for a time of connection and conversation.
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The event is for all women business owners, not just those who live in Natick, said organizers.
The theme will be “Collaboration” with other women business owners and some tips on how to begin the process if it’s new to you and the benefits to it.
Sara Sniderman from Sara Sniderman photography, Gina Fay from Dance Fit Studio, and from local music star Stacey Peasley are all part of the special event.
“We’ll also share information on Certification for Women-Owned Businesses with Kristen Brandt, owner of Sundin Associates,” said organizers.
Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/women-entrepreneurs-love-natick-tickets-256080442497