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FRAMINGHAM – The Framingham Centre Common Cultural District (FCCCD) announced this week a call for artists for its public art project entitled “Many Cultures, One Heart”.
The project is designed to highlight the many artistic and ethnic faces of Framingham, and will involve 38”x40” heart sculptures painted by local artists to represent the artistic, cultural, historical,
and recreational offerings of Framingham’s arts organizations.
Artwork designs will also incorporate the diversity of the city to celebrate the many communities that call Framingham home.
The statues will be designed and created during the spring, and then unveiled on June 18 during a multicultural festival on the Centre Common, when the general public will be able to explore what “Many Cultures, One Heart” is all about.
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If you are an area artist interested in designing a statue, please contact Stacey David at framcentrecommon@gmail.com. Spanish and Portuguese versions of the application are
available by email as well. Artists from underrepresented communities are particularly
encouraged to apply.
There will be a Zoom information session for artists on Sunday, Feb. 6 at 4 p.m. with a Spanish translator and on Tuesday, Feb. 8 at 10 a.m.. Please email for a Zoom link.
The mission of the Framingham Centre Common Cultural District is to create a vibrant cultural,
economic, and social hub in MetroWest through collaborative programming between the art and
history museums, educational institutions, cultural organizations, and businesses within the
District that celebrates the artistic and ethnic diversity of Framingham.
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El Framingham Centre Common Cultural District ( FCCCD) anuncia hoy
una petición a todos los artistas por el proyecto de arte público que tituló, “Muchas Culturas, Un
Corazón”. El proyecto tiene la intención de destacar el aspecto màs destacados de los artistas y
las caras étnicas de Framingham. Esculturas de corazónes pintados por los artistas locales
puedan representar las offrendas artísticas, culturalas, historicas, y recreativas de las
organizaciones de las artes de Framingham. Los diseños artisticos pueden incorporar la
diversidad de la ciudad para celebrar las varias comunidades que llaman el hogar Framingham.
Las esculturas serán deseñadas y creadas durante la primavera, y desvelada después del
18 de junio durante el festival multicultural en el Centre Common. Entonces el publico general
podrá explorar el significado de “Muchas Culturas, Un Corazón”.

Si usted es artista local interesado en diseñar una escultura, póngase en contacto con
Stacey David a framcentrecommon@gmail.com. Habrá un Zoom informativo con traductor al
español el domingo 6 de febrero a las 4:00pm; por favor envíe un correo electrónico para un
enlace. Queremos animar especialmente a los artistas de las comunidades subrepresentados.