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FRAMINGHAM – The City of Framingham Cross Country Ski & Snowshoe Trails at Cushing Memorial Park & Farm Pond Park have been groomed, announced Framingham Parks & Recreation today, January 31.
In 2018, the Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Affairs Division received a grant from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation’s Recreational Trails Program. The MassTrails grant was used to offset the cost of a 2018 Polaris Ranger NorthStar All Terrain Vehicle. The vehicle includes a track attachment system to enable snow grooming operations to create cross-country ski trails and snowshoeing trails at various passive parks in Framingham. The ATV is used for other maintenance services the remainder of the year.
Please take care when using the trails at Farm Pond Park as there are some bare areas due to the wind-blown snow.
Please note that there are dedicated/separate trails for Cross Country Skiing and for Snowshoeing.
Please use the appropriate trail when enjoying your outdoor recreation.
Motorized vehicles and bicycles are not permitted on these trails.
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