FRAMINGHAM – The City Council’s Environmental & Sustainability subcommittee will meet on Monday night, January 31 at 6:30 p.m.
The main purpose of the meeting is to re-organize and elect a chair and vice chair.
Other agenda items include setting a meeting schedule and discussion with regard to upcoming tasks/assignments. There is public comment at the start of the meeting.
The environmental & sustainability subcommittee is the first of the 8 subcommittees to meet this session.
The 3-member subcommittee has no returning members from last session.
Appointed to the subcommittee by City Council Chair Phil Ottaviani Jr. was at-large City Councilor Janet Leombruno, new District 5 City Councilor Noval Alexander, and new District 7 City Councilor Leora Mallach.
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District 2 Councilor Cesar Stewart-Morales served as chair of the subcommittee from 2020-2021. Other members last term were former District 5 City Councilor Robert Case and former District 7 City Councilor Margareth Shepard.
The environmental & sustainability subcommittee met five times in 2020 and four times in 2021, with a focus on trails, bike paths, and solar panels. The committee did approve a new sustainability committee, which was established later by a full vote of the 11-member City Council and then mayor Yvonne Spicer.
The subcommittee did fail to address environmental justice issues on the south side, including cleaning up the General Chemical, Mary Dennision, and Cedar Swap sites. General Chemical last appeared on a subcommittee agenda in March 2020, and the Dennison Park cleanup and the contamination inside Cedar Swamp never were on an agenda.
The environmental subcommittee was chaired by former District 8 City Councilor Judy Grove in 2018-2019. It focused on south side toxic sites and helped to update the plastic bag bylaw and create a noise ordinance.
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Tonight’s meeting will be remote only.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81460862513?pwd=bmhPMys4eDdsVEJVSEFxS3E4VlFTdz09
Meeting ID: 814 6086 2513
Passcode: 516690
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