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MARLBOROUGH -The Marlborough Board of Health has institute a mask mandate for the City beginning January 21.
On January 13, the Marlborough Board of Health voted an emergency order for an indoor mask regulations in the City of Marlborough.
Details are below.
1. Face coverings that cover the nose and face are required for all individuals, regardless of vaccination status, aged five years and above in all indoor public spaces, houses of worship, or private spaces open to the public except where an individual is unable to wear a face covering due to a medical condition or disability, or persons who are communicating with a hearing impaired person where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication.
2. Food service establishment customers may only remove face coverings when seated and consuming food and beverages.
3. Indoor performance venue customers may only remove face coverings in the actual act of eating and drinking, if permitted in the venue.
4. Lodging guests and workers are required to wear face coverings when inside hallways and common areas.
5. Residents and employees of multi-family dwelling units are required to wear face coverings inside hallways and other common areas. Notice of this requirement shall be posted at all entry doors to the building and common areas.
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6. Fitness Center/Health Club workers, customers, and visitors are required to wear face coverings during fitness activity, including strenuous activity and group activity.
7. At Personal Services establishments (including, but not limited to, barber shops, hair salons, nail salons, and massage) all customers and workers are required to wear face coverings, except for skin or beard care that occurs on the face, where the customer may temporarily remove the face covering but must immediately put the face covering back on for the remainder of the visit.
8. Masks remain mandatory for all individuals on public and private transportation systems (including rideshares, livery, taxi, ferries, and buses), in healthcare facilities and in other settings hosting vulnerable populations, such as congregate care settings, as directed by the Governor and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
9. All entry doors of businesses open to the public must post notice advising customers that face coverings must be worn inside the establishment.
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The City will make signs available to businesses, or an individual business may choose to post its own sign.
The Marlborough Board of Health and authorized agents pursuant to MGL chapter 111, 5 30, are authorized to enforce this regulation. Violations of this regulation may be punished by a civil fine of $50 per violation in the manner provided for noncriminal disposition of violations of Board Health Regulations by MGL Chapter 40, 5 21D and Code of Bylaws of the City of Marlborough.
This emergency order shall take effect at 12:01 am on Friday, January 21, 2022, however all people and businesses are encouraged to implement this regulation as soon as practical.
This regulation shall remain in effect until rescinded by the Board of Health