The following is a press release from Jewish Family Services of MetroWest submitted to SOURCE Through its business wire service.
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FRAMINGHAM – Jewish Family Services of MetroWest is inviting the public to join them in making a statement against hate and recognizing historical injustices that tie into our communities’ present-day injustices.
Community leaders and Cultural Stewards of the Nipmuc Nation will be in attendance and speak.
This family event is outdoors, and masks are required.
The event will be held on Monday. October 11 from 3 to 4 p.m. at McCarthy Elementary School on Flagg Drive.
On Indigenous Peoples Day we have a moment in the calendar to acknowledge that the first people to suffer from racism and hate in this nation were the indigenous peoples who lived here. We have a legacy of over 500 years of divisions and enmity, and we have an obligation to end that cycle of violence and hate.
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When we come together as the opponents of hate, as the builders of bridges, and as believers in equality and justice we are the majority. Together we are strong and we will prevail. We do not want to wait passively for the next racial incident or violent attack and instead we chose to be proactive, to make the declaration that hate has no place here and that those voices and people do not represent us and are not welcome in Metrowest.
This event is an opportunity to recognize historical injustices that connect to our communities’ present-day injustices. It will be a chance for our Metrowest community and communities to come together to declare with a united voice that hate has no place here. And because we will not let hate be the final word, we will also have opportunities to spread love with acts of service.
Supported by and a collaboration of the Greater Framingham Community Church, JFS of Metrowest, Jewish Teen Initiative at CJP, Nipmuc Nation, Framingham Public Schools, and Temple Shir Tikva.
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