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Editor’s note: 3.5 years into the Mayor’s four year terms her administration announced this new initiative called Mayor Spicer’s Monday Minute. This is the third installment. The Mayor is in a 3-way battle for re-election. The preliminary election is on September 14.
FRAMINGHAM – Community Hour Tuesday, August 3, at 5 p.m. – COVID-19 Cases are Increasing; What that Means for the City: Join Mayor Yvonne M. Spicer and Interim Health Director Alexandra DePalo to discuss what it means for Framingham as COVID-19 numbers increase. Attendees will be able to pose questions during the hour via Zoom’s Chat function. If you cannot attend and have questions, please email kmcfalls@framinghamma.gov with the subject line: August 3 Community Hour. Zoom information on how to join is here. A video recording of the Zoom will be available following for those who cannot attend.
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Best Practices to Protect Yourself and Your Family from COVID-19 as New Cases Increase:
- Testing/symptoms: Testing is our best tool to identify those who have been exposed and slow the uptick in cases. Anyone experiencing even mild symptoms should get tested, as well as anyone who has had close contact with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19. Testing is encouraged regardless of vaccination status. Free drive-through testing is available in Framingham at Project Beacon, 123 Maple Street. Reference more information here.
- Masks: If a person is unvaccinated, it is strongly recommended that he/she still wear a mask indoors in public spaces. The State now advises that a fully vaccinated person should wear a mask or face covering when indoors (and not in your own home) if he/she has a weakened immune system or is at increased risk for severe disease because of age or an underlying medical condition, or if someone in their household has a weakened immune system, is at increased risk for severe disease, or is unvaccinated. Note that masks are required in certain settings (rideshares, livery, taxi, ferries, MBTA, Commuter Rail and transportation stations), in healthcare facilities, and other settings serving vulnerable populations, such as congregate care settings). https://www.mass.gov/info-details/covid-19-mask-requirements
- Vaccination: Getting fully vaccinated remains the single most effective protection against COVID-19. Free vaccines are available at the Project Beacon Site in Framingham, 123 Maple Street, and at the City’s Public Health Nursing Clinic, 113 Concord Street. Reference hours of operation and more here.
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Framingham’s Emergency Small Business Grant Program: The City established a grant fund to assist small businesses to cover wages, rent, loss of inventory, and other fixed costs with Community Development Block Grant funds, which are allocated by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. So far, Framingham has received 125 applications, of which 62 were approved with $602,026 committed, $582,026 expended, and $20,000 approved but not yet expended.
Framingham Police Department Exam: The Framingham Police Department (FPD) is conducting its first independent recruitment process for Police Officers since exiting Civil Service in 2020. As of July 31, the FPD had 146 applicants for the exam. To learn more and register by the August 10 deadline, go here.
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