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FRAMINGHAM – Tryouts for the Framingham High baseball team will begin on Monday, April 26 at Winch Field.
Students must register with the athletic department before they can try out. To register visit https://www.flyerathletics.com/parents-students/#forms
There is no fee to register.
Must register by Monday April 19 for tryouts.
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Tryout Day 1 is on April 26.
- Group 1- 2:30-4:30pm @ Winch Field at the high school
- Group 2- 4:15-6:15pm @ Winch
Tryout Day 2 is on Tuesday, April 27
- Group 1- 2:30-4:30pm @ Winch
- Group 2- 4:15-6:15pm @ Winch
The head coach for varsity is Matt Milano, who can be reached at mmilano@framingham.k12.ma.us