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ASHLAND – “Due to the impending storm the Ashland Public Schools will have an early release tomorrow, Monday, February 1 in order to get our faculty, staff, and students home safely as the road conditions are expected to deteriorate as the afternoon progresses,” announced Superintendent Jim Adams tonight, just before 7:30 p.m.
A storm is forecasted for Monday into Tuesday, which could bring more than a foot of snow.
“We are planning on a release after lunch and principals will be sending out a schedule to all buildings. Should the conditions change for the worse overnight it is possible we will need to make adjustments such as going remote only. There will be no afternoon activities, no afternoon Preschool or EDP,” said Adams
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Dismissal Times will be:
Mindess: 11:30 a.m.
Ashland Middle: noon
Ashland High: 12:30 p.m.
Warren: 1 p.m.
Pittaway 12:15 p.m.