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FRAMINGHAM – With its recent $10,000 donation to United Way of Tri-County (UWTC), the MutualOne Charitable Foundation was able to provide full holiday meals to 200 local families.
The grant was announced by Steven M. Sousa, executive vice president and chief operating officer of MutualOne Bank and a MutualOne Charitable Foundation trustee. This is the sixth consecutive year the MutualOne Charitable Foundation has supported the Feed a Family campaign.
According to Paul Mina, president and CEO of UWTC, each $50 donation provides a family with a complete holiday meal.
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“By providing meals, we are not just helping people meet their nutritional needs. A holiday meal represents a time for family to reflect and give thanks for what they have,” Mina said. “This year will look different without families gathering as in past years. Despite that, families will find new ways to celebrate and give thanks over a table full of food.”
“It gives us great pleasure to support a program that allows families who struggle every day to make ends enjoy the traditional holiday meal that too many of us take for granted,” said Sousa.
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The $10,000 grant to United Way of Tri-County’s holiday meals program was among awards totaling $131,500 in the Foundation’s most recent round of funding.
Established in 1998 as the philanthropic arm of MutualOne Bank, the MutualOne Charitable Foundation has since donated over $5 million to charitable, educational, and civic initiatives that improve and enrich the quality of life in Framingham, Natick, and surrounding communities.
MutualOne Bank, which operates under an 1889 state charter, has full-service offices at 828 Concord Street and One Lincoln Street in Framingham and at 49 Main Street in Natick, a Commercial Loan Center at 160 Cochituate Road in Framingham, and a Residential Loan Center at 49 Main Street in Natick.


Above was a press release submitted to SOURCE media.