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FRAMINGHAM – District 4 City Councilor Michael Cannon, chair of the Framingham City Council’s Economic Development subcommittee has “invited Massachusetts Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy to speak at the next subcommittee meeting on Thursday, November 12.
The meeting will be held on Zoom at 7 p.m.
“Secretary Kennealy will provide an update on the recovery and answer questions,” said Councilor Cannon.
“I’ve extended the invitation to the Framingham Business Association, Downtown Framingham Inc., the MetroWest Chamber of Commerce, Framingham’s EDIC, and of course, the public is always welcome to participate,” said Cannon.
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“I hope it will be a fruitful dialogue between state Economic Development leadership and the Framingham business community,” said Councilor Cannon.
Kennealy co-chairs the state’s economic COVID task force with Mssachusetts Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito.
On October 22, the Baker-Polito Administration announced a $774 million comprehensive plan to stabilize and grow the Massachusetts economy.
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The plan focuses on getting people back to work, supporting small businesses, fostering innovation, revitalizing downtowns and ensuring housing stability. Partnerships for Recovery begins today by directing $115 million in new funding to small businesses and Main Streets hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and for workforce training efforts.
Additionally, the Administration is aligning multiple funding sources, both existing and proposed, to appropriately respond to the crisis.
Partnerships for Recovery supports five key recovery efforts:
- Getting Massachusetts back to work
- Supporting small businesses
- Revitalizing downtowns
- Supporting housing equity and stability
- Fostering innovation
Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation (MGCC) is administering the Small Business Grants program, with $50.8 million available beginning today. Grant awards range between $25,000 – $75,000, and eligibility criteria and applications are available here. The deadline is Nov 12 at noon.

To join the meeting on November 12
?Good morning, Susan – the Zoom details are as follows:
Topic: Economic Development Subcommittee Nov. 12, 2020
Time: Nov 12, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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