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ASHLAND – Carmen A. Pistocco Jr, 69, of Ashland passed away Wed. Oct. 7,2020 after a period of declining health.
He was the son of the late Carmen and Dorothy (Greenwood) Pistocco and husband of Patricia (Gavin) Pistocco.
Carmen worked for many years in the junkyard and scrap business in Framingham as well as Marlboro Post Road Auto Parts.
He later worked as a maintenance technician at the Natick Village Apartments and Grafton Apartments.
Carmen enjoyed oldies music, especially Elvis, old cars, and spending time with his sons.
In addition to his wife, he is survived by two sons, Joshua and Anthony Pictocco, both of Ashland.
Visiting hours will be held Friday Oct. 23 from 4 to 7 p.m. in the Matarese Funeral Home, 325 Main Street in Ashland.
Please visit mataresefuneral.com for Covid guidelines.
The funeral service will be private and held at a later date.
All visitors to the funeral home are required to wear a face mask. NO EXCEPTIONS
Funeral home visitors entering the funeral home will be limited to 10 at one time. Visitors may be asked to wait outside until room is available. Unfortunately no exceptions can made to this rule for inclement weather.
Condolences with the family should be kept brief so that others may enter after you.
Please refrain from embracing with the family.