Photo and press release submitted to SOURCE media
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FRAMINGHAM – AFC is the acronym for Adult Foster Care, it is also known as Adult Family Care though both names can be misleading. It has been available in Massachusetts since the 1970s.
Adult Foster/ Family Care (AFC) is a Mass Health funded program for individuals living with a caregiver that are unable to live alone. The threshold for coverage is that an individual who is 16 years of age or older and is not safe to be alone for more than three hours a day may be eligible for our program. Our caregivers may be related to our member but do not have to be.
The goal of the program is to support caregivers with a tax-free/non reportable stipend for caregiving, said Dr. Kayed Khalil, President of WeCare 365.
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In addition, a Registered Nurse Care Manager and Care Manager are assigned to our members and caregivers and meet with them on a monthly basis. We support these individuals with ongoing education, support, and advocacy, said Khalil
Whether it is through increasing access to additional programs and services, scheduling physician visits or maintaining a safe and health home we are there for our “families” for whatever they need.
There is a serious need for supporting caregivers financially as unpaid caregiving in the United States is a significant issue, said Khalil
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How Many Caregivers in the U.S.?
- Approximately 43.5 million caregivers have provided unpaid care to an adult or child in the last 12 months. [National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP. (2015). Caregiving in the U.S.]
- About 34.2 million Americans have provided unpaid care to an adult age 50 or older in the last 12 months. [National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP. (2015). Caregiving in the U.S.]
- The majority of caregivers (82%) care for one other adult, while 15% care for 2 adults, and 3% for 3 or more adults. [National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP. (2015). Caregiving in the U.S.]
- Approximately 39.8 million caregivers provide care to adults (aged 18+) with a disability or illness or 16.6% of Americans. [Coughlin, J. (2010). Estimating the Impact of Caregiving and Employment on Well-Being: Outcomes & Insights in Health Management.]
- About 15.7 million adult family caregivers care for someone who has Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia. [Alzheimer’s Association. (2015). 2015 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures.]

Massachusetts residents are extremely fortunate that the AFC Program exists though there are still many in our community that are unaware of this program. Not every state in the country has a program as robust as the Massachusetts AFC Program, said Khalil.
It is the goal of WeCare365 to support members, caregivers and families by empowering them with financial relief, social support and most importantly allow those that are being cared for to remain in a home like setting avoiding institutional placement, said Khalil.
Should you wish to know more either for yourself or a loved one please contact our office at 508-584-2131.
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