Press release from the City of Framingham. Published as received.
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FRAMINGHAM – City Clerk Lisa A. Ferguson is pleased to announce that all registered voters in Framingham will be able to choose how they would like to cast their ballot for the November 3, 2020 State/Presidential Elections.
On July 6, 2020, Governor Baker signed into Law, Chapter 115 of the Acts of 2020 – an Act relative to voting options in response to COVID-19. The provisions of this Act will ensure that voters can exercise their civic right to vote in an accessible, safe, and secure manner. Voters may choose to cast their ballots by mail or to safely vote in person during early voting or on Election Day.
Regardless of whether a voter wants to take advantage of vote by mail, early voting in person, or vote at the polls on Election Day, the first step is making sure you are registered.
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City of Framingham Election Information Center
A new Official Election Drop Box is now located in North Framingham at the McAuliffe Library, 746 Water Street.
Residents can still utilize the drop box in the rear of the Memorial Building, 150 Concord Street. Parking spaces have been reserved for voters near the drop box.
Applications or election ballots can be placed in either box 24/7. Both boxes are monitored by 24-hour video surveillance.
If you are not able to register online or download an application, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 508-532-5521, and one will be mailed to you.
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Last day to register to vote or change party enrollment for the State Primary | Saturday, October 24, 2020, at 8:00 p.m. |
Last day to apply for an Absentee or Early Vote ballot BY MAIL before the State Primary | Wednesday, October 28, 2020, at 5:00 p.m. |
Last day to apply IN PERSON for an Absentee Ballot before the State Primary | Monday, November 2, 2020, at 12:00 p.m. |
Option #1 – VOTE BY MAIL
As required by the new law, a Vote By Mail application was mailed by the Secretary of the Commonwealth to every person who was registered to vote on or before July 1, 2020, and who had not already requested an Absentee ballot for the September 1, 2020, State Primary or for all elections this year. In September, a second mailing was sent out to all voters who have not already applied for a Vote By Mail ballot for the November election. The applications are pre-addressed to the Framingham City Clerk, and no postage is necessary. You may also drop off the application at the City Clerk’s Office, email it to, or place it in one of the secure official election ballot drop boxes located in the rear of the Memorial Building, 150 Concord Street, or at the McAuliffe Library, 746 Water Street.
If you wish to vote by mail, you are strongly encouraged to return your application as early as possible to ensure that you will receive your ballot in time to return it before the close of polls on November 3, 2020. Applications require the voter’s signature and a phone number in the event of any questions. The signature must be visible and signed in substantially the same manner as a handwritten signature. This includes applications signed with a mouse, stylus, or finger. Applications with typed signatures or no signatures will not be accepted. All applications must be received in the City Clerk’s Office by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, October 28, 2020.
Click here for a VOTE BY MAIL APPLICATION. You may also contact the City Clerk at 508-532-5521 or email and one will be sent to you.
To date, the Clerk’s Office has mailed out over 21,000 ballots. Applicants that previously applied to vote by mail for the Presidential Election should expect to receive their ballot this week. Vote by mail ballot requests will continue to be fulfilled as applications are submitted.
Once you receive your ballot, please return it as soon as possible to ensure that it arrives in time to be counted. Vote by mail ballots may be returned by mail, in-person at the City Clerk’s Office, or placed in one of the secure official election ballot drop boxes located in the rear of the Memorial Building, 150 Concord Street or at the McAuliffe Library, 746 Water Street. Early mail-in ballots must be received by the close of polls, November 3, 2020. Vote by mail ballots cannot be returned to the polling locations on Election Day.
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Option #2 – Early Voting In Person (Location – Memorial Building, Nevins Hall, 150 Concord Street)
Early voting for the November 3, 2020, Presidential Election will ONLY take place at Nevins Hall in the Memorial Building, 150 Concord Street, Framingham, MA.
Early voting WILL NOT take place at the McAuliffe Branch Library due to limited available spacing and the inability to maintain 6 feet of social distancing.
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Option #3 – Voting on Election Day In Person
The Presidential Election will be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. The polls are open 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. Voters will be required to wear a mask and maintain social distancing in the polling location. View more information about voting on Election Day in person here.
Option #4 – Absentee Voting
Massachusetts allows voters to vote by absentee ballot if they will be absent from Framingham on Election Day (Military, U.S. Citizens living overseas), have a physical disability that prevents one from voting at the polling location, or cannot vote at the polls due to a religious belief.
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