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FRAMINGHAM – The Framingham Police Department will hold a racial bias training presentation entitled “An Overview of Fair and Impartial Policing” on Thursday, Oct. 1 at 7 p.m.
The presentation will address how biases are normal, how biases are formed, and how having this knowledge then allows us to learn how to override these biases. Lieutenant Sean Riley will discuss procedural justice and its benefits, and the types of trainings the Framingham Police Department conducts with all officers along with the benefits of the training.
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“By having sometimes uncomfortable conversations, we are forced to recognize that we come to the job with biases based on life experiences,” explains Lt. Riley. “Understanding those biases through training allows Framingham police officers to become fair and impartial officers. Perhaps this training will help community members recognize they also have natural biases based on their life experiences, and getting to know each other in a more personal way could help with better police/community relationships.”
Community members are welcome to join the Zoom event. Questions may be submitted in advance to Police Advisory Committee Chair Nicole Doak at
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